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home // personal myspace // myspace layouts

a b o u t m e
My name's Rachel. I'm almost 19, I'm a Christian, and I live in Southern California. I like making layouts, and have a layout site on MySpace. I also make Gaia profiles, and fiddle around with everything else, like LiveJournal, Xanga, Blogger, and all that jazz. I've also sort of started making super-simple graphics, like text banners and icons. My specialty are DIV layouts, and you should see what I can do with a myspace layout WITHOUT even using DIVs.

Some other things I do are sing, write, and roleplay. I love reading and listening to music and talking to people! This profile's still sort of under construction at the moment, but you can find all sorts of ways to contact me on my myspace page. And that's about it. See ya around!

c o m m e n t m e


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